Run The Mile.

A fun challenge for the geeks out there

Join The Challenge


Two Mile Dashes to Participate

Godzilla Hill Mile Dash

Starts at the 5.5 kilometer mark as you take a U turn, and ends at 7.1km mark right on top of the Godzilla Hill. An elevation gain of 36m (average grade of 2.2%), conquering this hill is the ultimate challenge.


Downhill Mile Dash

With 41m of elevation loss, this fastest segment of the race begins at 8th KM and stretches all the way to the finish line. Give it your all in this final push to make your mark!


How it works?

  • Track Your Run: Ensure your GPS watch/Strava App is on you tackle these segments. Your efforts on these specific miles are key to climbing the leaderboard!
  • Live Leaderboard Updates: We'll automatically capture your times from Strava for these specific mile challenges and update the leaderboard in real-time.
  • Watch for Winners: Stay alert! Winners are announced live as they emerge, based on their segment times.

Why should I participate?

  • Epic Bragging Rights: Claim your fame with recognition for all challenge participants in our leaderboard and on our website.
  • Yet Another Way to Finish Strong: Godzilla Mile Dash and Downhill Mile Dash are the most crucial sections of the race. Doing well here mean, you will have a great race!
  • Live Leaderboard Updates: We will automatically capture your times from Strava for these specific mile challenges and update the leaderboard in real-time.

How to participate?


Register your profile with your Strava athelte ID. See our route preview

Run Bengaluru 10K Challenge Race

Run the race, and watch for 'The Mile Challenge' segments.

See the Leaderboard

See your position on the leadeboard


For the ❤️ of Running