Couch Stretch

Couch Stretch

Quadriceps are the most important muscles when it comes to handling the impact load and limiting the stress on the knees. At RunMechancis, we observe that Quadriceps are often tight across runners. Couch stretch improves quadriceps and hip flexor mobility. Mobilization of quadriceps improves hip extension, relieves tight hamstrings, reduces anterior pelvic tilt, and improves lower back mobility.

How to do it

This stretch requires the support of the wall or chair or a couch as the name suggests. It is advised to keep some padding or cushioning below the knee for support.

  • Keep the knee support near the wall.
  • As a first step, get into a kneeling position.
  • Slide one of the knees onto the pad which is close to the edge of the wall as shown in figure A
  • Now extend forward one of the knees at a right angle, while continuing to keep the other knee close to the edge of the wall as shown in figure B - Low Lunge position.. Ensure that the toes of the foot touching the wall are pointing upwards (ankle plantar flexion) - Hold this position for about 20s.
  • Position yourself to place your hands on the knees, and use them to lift your torso up, as you stretch hip flexors.
  • Keep pushing your torso upright, till your glutes touch the foot and reach the final position as shown in figure C - High Lunge Position. Hold this position for about 20s.
  • At all times engage your glutes and keep your torso, hips, and knees in the straight line.

When to do it

We recommend that this stretch is part of every runner’s mobility regime. You can also include it as part of your cool-down stretching route. This stretch can be done 4 to 5 times in a week, with 2 to 3 repeats of 20 seconds on each side.

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