Single Leg Hops

Single Leg Hops

Single-leg hops is a plyometric drill that helps in developing power, simultaneously improving our balance & stability. This exercise helps in coordination between ankle extension, knee extension, and firing of glutes to optimize power and balance.

How to do it?

This exercise does not need any props and can be done anywhere. Go back to your childhood memories, we all have played this at some point in time.

  • Before doing this workout, mobilize your ankle, hip, and core
  • Stand straight in a neutral position, then bend at the knee on one leg as shown in Figure A
  • Balance yourself and continue to bend to get the maximum flexion (at ankle, knee and hip), as you are ready to hop as in Figure B.
  • Drive through the ball of the foot, to generate optimal force as you hop (Figure C & D)
  • Land on the ball of the foot (Figure E) and bend the hip and knee to land softly on the ground (Figure F)
  • Hop for 8-10 times at one go and then repeat on the other leg

When to do it?

You can do this once or twice a week as part of your warm-up drills or your strength training sessions. If you have balance & stability issues, we recommend it daily in the short-term.

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