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Guide to Nike Running Shoes

The legacy of Nike Running shoes dates back to 1971 when the company’s co-founder, Bill Bowerman, tinkered with waffle iron to create a new kind …

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Foot strike patterns in runners

[Download high resolution graphic] (./../../img/2020/11/foot-strike-hd.png) Foot strike is often the point of debate among runners. Which foot strike …

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The Science Behind Running Power

Several runners have approached me with questions related to how running power is calculated, after my previous posts on Running Power (Part1, Part2).

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What happens to our feet when we run?!

[Download high resolution graphic] (https://www.geeksonfeet.com/img/2020/11/running-foot-anatomy-hd.png) When we land, our feet take an impact up to …

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Racing with Power

This is a follow up post to the first one that I had written on running with power. You can read the earlier post here to gain perspective on what …

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