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Guide to Nike Running Shoes

The legacy of Nike Running shoes dates back to 1971 when the company’s co-founder, Bill Bowerman, tinkered with waffle iron to create a new kind …

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Optimize training with RPE Scale

Training intensity and load is an important aspect of how we get the necessary stimulus required to perform better. Structured training involves …

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How to improve Uphill Running

Some running trivia here - “The 36th kilometer at TMM 2020 was the slowest”. This is based on the Strava data of the top 800 finishers of TMM 2020, …

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How to prevent Overstriding

What is good stride? In running when our foot strikes the ground (at initial contact), it should be closer to the body’s Center of Mass (COM).

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Episode 4: Importance of Running Form

In this episode, we will be discussing everything on developing a good running form that encourages better motor patterns and muscle recruitment.

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