The World of Running

Podcast by GeeksOnFeet with Host Aditi Pandya

Our vision for this podcast is to bring the art and science of running to every runner. In our episodes we invite subject matter experts on running and discuss running topics - training, nutrition, recovery, performance, strength, etc. Runners can enjoy these episodes, listening over workouts, foam rolling those nasty niggles or a post run breakfast.

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Ep 26: Supplements for Runners

Supplements play a vital role in filling the gaps in runners’ nutrition to help with their running performance, recovery, cognitive development, and …

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Ep 25: Running & Hormonal Health

The body releases endorphins, a short-lasting, deeply euphoric state following intense exercise. Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins, and Oxytocin, what …

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Ep 24: Running & Heart Health

Over the years there has been much research on the correlation between running and heart health. While it is common knowledge that Running as a cardio …

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Ep 23: Breaking 3

Of the 7800 Runners who finished the Mumbai marathon in 2020, only 41 runners have run under 3 hours. That is about 0.

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Ep 21: How to Fuel for a Race

Research shows optimal fueling improves our performance by 2% to 20% during the race. Running a marathon can take anywhere from 2-6 hours based on a …

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Ep 19: Guide to Running Metrics

Technology is aiding the ever-growing popularity of running as a sport. There are metrics helping us to track our pace, cadence, heart rate, lactate …

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